Wisconsin Department of Transportation

Planning Now to Move Tomorrow

Plans For The Future

WisDOT undertakes planning efforts that will shape the future of Wisconsin’s multimodal transportation system. The plans work together to ensure development of an integrated multimodal transportation system that maximizes the safe and efficient movement of people and products throughout the state in a way that enhances economic productivity, transportation accessibility, and the quality of Wisconsin's communities while minimizing impacts to the natural environment and socioeconomic, historic, and cultural resources.
A person riding a bicycle.
Bicycle Transportation Plan

Intended to help both communities and
individuals in developing bicycle-friendly
facilities throughout Wisconsin.

An icon of a seatbelt
Strategic Highway Safety Plan
An icon of a freight container
State Freight Plan
An icon of an airport.
State Airport System Plan
An icon of vehicles on a freeway.
Transportation Asset Management Plan
active transportation plan
An icon of a train.
State Rail Plan

Supporting Plans and Planning Documents

Technical Reports

If you would like to read more detailed information, technical reports are also available. These documents are advanced, and are not intended for easy reading.